Ahad, 28 Ogos 2016

GAHARU MICROLOGI .. Inoculation and Fungus

Lately time will be jealous se, as long as the time in the chase we are lagging behind, such as the daylight is insufficient to complete the work related to late at night, sometimes complacent in opis awake almost dawn. Understandably, our boss, our labor, our clerk and we can also be an office boy at say 80% of business in resolving alone, but, most important ways we are happy, sometimes the result is worth it from our own tireless efforts.

There are times heard rumors from people who have never met, we recognize only the name, which we have, it is all the work we do there is not work, it is now where the right man. This rumor is told visitors, could be said to everyone who visit us, for us, the right thing remains true and we acknowledge the extent possible proof of our success is evidenced by both their own eyes.

For us, if there is no failure, success will not be produced, the production of agarwood formation micrologi, not something that can be considered happy. If this is love, surely countless number of his former employers sandalwood has become a millionaire. We can do a study on the number of new entrepreneurs who have succeeded in producing its own bacteria liquid, molten liquid bacteria they are capable of making agarwood producing agarwood 100% ?.

Note this time, I stretch this argument is not as the owner of Gold-Forest R & D aloes, but, as an independent blogger. I want to get benefit purposes in the field of technology aloes, with shared information from studies that we always run, there is conflict about his opinions, and critical theory, this answer is certainly there because every study done by a meeting of course is the result of differentiation.

From understanding the theory of liquid formula creation, we have to admit solute in use or fungus of any distinction, but, how great a creator of this liquid, bacteria, fungus, plant and equipment in use in use as the main base materials made soluble liquid formulation oleresin and the fungus does not countless numbers of his species, to determine the species of fungus that effectively helps the formation oleresin, this is the question that remains unanswered.

We edit the report said that the establishment of oleoresin 1995-1998 impending increase in damage caused by certain infections and fungus growth oleoresin formation is too complex to understand. Other factors also play a key role, such as the age of the tree, season, environmental change and genetic Aquilaria spp is how it plays an important role in the formation of agarwood, an estimated 10% of wild Aquilaria spp able to produce resins.

Inoculation is an effort to help increase the production of agarwood in international markets, the study was initially conducted on wild agarwood trees, but there is no statistic data published studies proving done in this wild tree. Artificial inoculation research conducted plantation trees aged 6-8 years reported that when the timber is not infected bacteria were injected liquid bulk fungus Aquilaria spp tree produces sandalwood.

Isolation fungus done from Aquilaria spp, the data shows it has potential as a response by force, such as reduced cycle terpenoids and aldehydes, aromatic, however, this report is not complete on the use of fungus that has been in the experiments carried out, the possibility of a study carried out in the geographical area was the environment which varies widely. Although there are a variety of evidence agarwood formation caused by artificial inoculation, more experimental replication should be enhanced to provide the assurance to employers inoculation can be done on a commercial basis to increase the production of agarwood.

Inoculation is an important aspect in agarwood agribusiness, we all know that aloe does not easily occur naturally, human intervention is required to cause the tree to hurt or injectable liquid bacteria fungus specific purpose of accelerating the establishment (Inoculation process) on a tree aged 5 years or 15 cm girth of the tree, in order to induce the formation of agarwood by force.

We have compiled a large number of species of bacteria fungi in the process in liquid form, for injecting the agarwood tree, so it is prone to the disease, with the formation of agarwood through injury memdorong fungal infections. Luka will stimulate tree produces oleoresin from woody tissue. Inoculation methods vary, depending on the size of the hole in the tree.

Our study on the subject of evaluation: - As a reaction liquid in bacteria that enter through the hole, the leaves will turn into a yellow, autumn and will produce new shoots. Physically or fungal bacteria begin to absorb fluid in the tissue timber, the biological phenomenon explains how the trees begin to react to produce agarwood. sense the formation of agarwood trees resulting from the reaction caused by pathogen infection, injury and stress.

Why preceding inoculation failed.?. I parse an example of the use of Fusarium as inoculation, fusarium failure is too strong, too violent action can cause the attacked trees will die. Another problem related to the inoculation technique fungal inoculation failure to respond and there is no compatibility with the principal. The cause of this failure is definitely not fit pathogen in injection, inoculating microbes conformity between plants is a key factor in the inoculation. Thus to determine the success, all the processes and understanding the pathogen inoculation between species there is important compatibility.

From the research report profisional to village entrepreneurs, the creation of this fragrance associated regime formed through injury assisted insect and fungal attack. The tree produces a resin that is high in volatile compounds, help, help him a curb or fungal growth. From earlier studies reported a wide range of related fungi associated with the formation of agarwood, but the researchers and research can not be sure a certain species of fungi capable of forming aloes.

Research reports: - The mechanism of the reaction of the defense as to enable fungal infections induce the formation of agarwood, enabling the fungus causing the biosynthesis of the ingredients of defense such as sesquiterpenes, cells phytoalexine and absorb the deep vessels located around the through hole, it would result in obstacles formation, ie, vessal occlusions. Both occlusions are carriers and may be a major contributor to physical restraint and as chemical inhibition mikrod in this tree. Number of trees and occlusions sesquiterpenes number will increase with the duration of the infection, eventually leading to the formation of the inner rod in the infected or injured.

We can try a variety of techniques in a tree inoculation studies for evaluation of liquid absorption and the formation of agarwood bacteria. to determine the suitability and compatibility of this bacteria liquid, the factors that will determine the fungal infection in injecting. That is, the effect is obvious decay of the skin around the holes that have been drilled, will be overgrown fungi and about its trunk measuring 35cm, it is going to happen fracture length, these factors indicate the formation of agarwood has resulted in the trunk of sandalwood, but, to determine the formation in the interior of the stem aloes, it can not be assessed using manual techniques. Thank you.

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