Selasa, 21 Mac 2017

GAHARU MICROBIOLOGY. , Malaccensis Formation Studies.

Note for this time, I tried to explain briefly a little about my earlier studies on species that grow wild agar wood am his uniform around the village and the nearby hills. Preliminary studies have helped me terms of how, information habitat, sector land, these trees grow, insect infestation, how the formation of natural, growing up, allergic diseases, fungal attack, why trees are idle, easy to grow and things that correlates study I was initially looking for basic materials necessary to produce formation fluid creation and to identify compatibility of the liquid.

As my initial bench marking combined scientific knowledge, traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples, other forest product gatherers and why many fail to bring these species produce agar wood plantation. Recognizing aboriginal ecological resin complex formation involving two or perhaps three factors, the organism's life-tree, one of the possible attack of fungi and insect attack as an intermediary. This traditional knowledge can help fill the gap in the search base information as basic research, it is a big role for both ethnobiological research and development of forestry as a natural habitat management system.

I am a hobby lovers and explore the rolling hills, from the slopes to the summit, and sometimes many hours resting on top of a hill while watching the big timber tree species trees soar high. As a climbing lovers, it is a satisfaction to enjoy the natural beauty of the wildlife habitat that is not touched by human hands delinquency. When cycling, I will find ways to pass along the edge of the forest, my soul may seem obstinate in forest habitats and have earned a career in connection with forest. 

When riding a bicycle through the new road, when spotted wild agar wood or known by the nickname locals Depu / karas or gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk) by itself I would stop paddling. I will observe the terms of how, land sector, estimated the circumference, height, approximate age and had the disease is infected or not, has become a desolate natural agar wood never met. In the area near my residence, wild agar wood trees to flourish without the stand, children crawl under tree emergent mother ignored, from which sprout new adherents to estimate the age of 3 hundreds of years every year flowering and fruiting.
Thymelaeaceae family members (Genus Aquilaria) is a medium-sized tree with relatively slow-growing, on average 15-25 meters higher than the reported 15 species of all, can reach heights up to 40 meters. Has a simple straight rod, it can reach a diameter of 350 cm, limb as though it soft malleable, although several other species are much smaller. Most Aquilaria has a trunk rather smooth, thin skin, skin color rather pale gray, spotted, white, glossy dark green foliage (7.5-12 cm long and 2.2-55 cm wide) color pale flowers bloom in clusters on the stems (3-5 cm long ), fruiting in August.  

Among these wild agar wood in the forest found permanent storage, there were hollow, hollow-drilled holes, in the skin fools, some stay alive sprout stumps but three to five big cash. Also found skins tree, cracking and resin pieces are long but thin, portrait resin formed through injury through insect attack, wounded by a gust of wind, may be assessed injured through nature. This proves the formation of agar wood resulting in volatile parts of the injured area is not necessarily formed in the central region of the trunk.

Aquilaria malaccensis or tree of the genus Aquilaria usual, this tree is easily grown and grown as a field crop area of the interior of a minority group of economic activity. As indigenous people in Malaysia have been practicing extraction of agar wood in the forest from generation to generation, for income as the main source of their precious, using machetes to cut off the connection, the purpose of producing agar wood without killing the tree, and they will return every two to three years to take sandalwood more.

The natural habitat of wild agar wood trees growing up so fast, without allergic diseases, even trimmed it will quickly remove the buds and bud prolifically. Sector suitability of the land plays a key role, the weather, the soil is always moist and grow constant shade under trees and other species ever discovered this tree grow near each. When compared to the wild species of species of imports, much different, terms of how diseases, such as leaf-eating caterpillars, fall hard, have strong roots, this possibility is the main cause of this wild tree is quite difficult to produce agar wood naturally.

Thymalaeaceaae family is capable of producing the resin in the wood known as 'order', a pathological product produced by fungal attack, that zone order pertaining to mold wood decaying fungus culture. Different fungal species were found associated with and related to the zone or may exhibit pathogenesis, while others seem saprophytic. One of the symptoms of a common fungal diseases are not a regular in the tissues of goods carried by enzymes secreted by the pathogen invades the tissue wall of trees, makes changes in pactinolytic Cellulolytic and enzyme activity in the pathogenesis. The increase in peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity in plant tissue is related to infection by various pathogens. From the study conducted a study of changes in seluiase, pectinase, poiifenol oxidase and peroxidase are present in the activity of aloes. Method of artificial inoculation is a fungal strains isolated fungi frequently encountered, is the result of injections carried out in combination with a healthy plant.

Previously the scientists believe that the sandalwood is the product of pathology caused by a fungal infection by fungi are not perfect, but there is no role of any fungus particular found in the formation of agar wood, however, was formed by the tree in response to injury. Analysis of volatile components of sandalwood was conducted, revealing agarofuranoids and sesquiterpenoids of eudesmane, eremophilane, vaiencane and type vetispirane as the main component. Analysis of essential oil derived from the species Aquilaria malaccensis agar wood through extraction, revealed that oxygenated sesquiterpenes and chromone derivative is the main component of essential oils.

That the formation of rare sandalwood trees under the age of 25 years and its formation may be followed by injury to the tree. For example the following is the result of damage by wind or storm. Before a tree is injured no fragrant oleo resin or tissue are found, but when collecting traditional medicine cut notches in sticks, oleo resin has accumulated due to exposure to infection in cells that contain starch cells. Various fungi associated with the formation of agar wood, although it is still not completely clear of any fungus actually related. Infection and formation seem a slow process that trees aged 50 years to produce the highest oleo resin.

Agar wood resin produced by this plant, it has long been known that production of the fragrant resin is always associated with the methods of wounding and assault related fungi, insects and assistance. In response to fungal infection, this tree produces a resin that is high in volatile organic compounds (Tyioses) that helps in suppressing or hinder the growth of fungi. Although wood is not affected tree resin relatively light changes color dramatically, increasing the mass and density of the wood is affected, it will gradually change color to dark brown or black.

After the tree is injured observed in the initial period of the formation of agar wood, agar wood resin in the form of the two forms, tyioses and gel, and sesquiterpenes in agar wood has anti-microbial and anti-disease, that agar wood derived from plant defense reactions. When a tree is injured, the damage signal that occurred and continue to be sent to activate the slow response of the plant, after which materials such as sesquiterpenes defense and phenylethyl chromone derivative is produced. When these products are combined with wood to prevent the growth of tissue damage, the key to test this hipotesis, is the purpose of revealing the mechanism of biosynthesis of injuries resulting from sesquiterpenes sandalwood.

Agar wood derived from the exploitation of wild plants, the local community, from time to time have built some artificial techniques to encourage the production of sandalwood, even with uneven success. For example, indigenous people punch holes in the trunk or large branches and left an open hole. Another technique is to close the wound with pieces of wood, watermelon. This is to prevent the wound is healed, seems a reliable method that can induce the formation of agar wood purposes. although the harvest while small, it is able to provide a continuous harvest.

Although it is a mistake for cutting and harvesting of the species in many aloes growing in Southeast Asia, the sandalwood is so high to make this wild populations continue to be a major problem throughout the country. To detect and document the quantity of trade is challenging and almost impossible to determine the species of agar wood traded, because all agar wood traded generally referred to as Aquilaria spp. or Aquilaria malaccensis. Sandalwood exported to a wide variety of forms (wood chips, sawdust, oil and finished products such as perfume, incense and medicines).

Traditional knowledge are encouraged to make a recovery and development more relevant and acceptable socially, as an important aid for identifying the research needs of critical ecological tropical, Botany, forestry and phyto chemists, among others, in countries that have been trying for many decades to understand the formation of the resin in the genus Aquilaria spp. Not every tree resin formed in the encounter with the tree does not get hurt, though, so extensive scientific research, the formation of agar wood is still elusive.

Thank you always follow up with my blog sandalwood.