We are born without thread, unable to speak, food is bred, bathed, we
are only good at crying, playing, laughing when the stomach is full, clothes
are dressed and our hobby is just playing and time is full of sleep. It means
we are born empty, empty everything until we are under the care, from all
corners of our lives previously under control. When we grow older we are able
to get around, here we start to think that we want to explore something that we
are interested in, to change something according to our logic mind and desire
even if it is something impossible.
Without knowledge, without going through failure we will not succeed in
achieving success, which will require sacrifice, and we will surely breathe the
bitter part of our life-giving life. As long as we continue to work on
something, our natural nature does not know the meaning of satisfaction, here
begins to embrace something. It's not a fix but wants to try to change the
situation, from the natural form to the latest flair that does not run away
from the natural state. Here is the beginning of everything. How important is
the knowledge and experience and the purpose of assessing how the combination
of assessment, suitability of factors, theories, practices and techniques and
compatibility to cultivate this aquilaria sp tree.
Sainstifif started to change everything including studies related to the
production of agar wood formation, based on anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory,
anti-fungal and pathological studies not new. It can be said that a combination
study of anti-fungal and anti-disease defense wall reaction occurs in the
injured agar wood tree. However, it is difficult to translate in writing, but,
the formation of agar wood is due to diseased wood, parasitic attack or fungal
attack. However, no accurate information describes any related fungi that play
a major role. Although this study is always on the rise from the time of the
end, no reports are publicly disclosed.
Planting bacteria or injection of fungal species in the tree stems
begins with the study in 1938, the primary purpose of expediting and fulfilling
the demand of the essential agar wood supplying demand among cosmetic suppliers
and key ingredients to maintain long lasting fragrance. Agar wood products are
growing in demand, if they expect natural agar wood to form, it is unlikely to
meet demand. Here is the beginning of the tree, which is cultivated by fungal
injection, to accelerate the formation of resin, time-saving and quantity of
production, although it is often disputed about the global market, its quality,
its appearance and its maturity.
Of course there is the difference between the natural formation of
artificial agar wood, here we refer to the report from the study, that, the
formation of the agar wood is formed by human intervention among the major
causes and partly formed by the occurrence of nature. Supported by scientific
researchers, saying that the agar wood is formed due to the presence of
parasites, insects and other bacterial breeding, there is no difference in the
formation of the aloes by these artifacts, the role and the factors are quite
similar, hurt, hurt and enter the bacteria in the stem, the purpose of
attacking insects and entering rainwater.
However, the formation of these cultures is disputed among the
semi-wholesalers of Western Asia, but it has its own influence in landmark and
European Asian countries. The cultivation of agar wood is a must in the agar
wood plantation industry in Southeast Asian countries, without this method of
extraction of agar wood will not be able to meet demand. The wild aquilaria sp
trees are becoming extinct, the forest area in the carnival is developed with
palm estates, logging activities, whereas the thieves are constantly exploring
the forests destroying these trees, the decades-old trees are undoubtedly
producing naturally occurring at the cut-off at heart.
From this awareness of nature as the supply of natural agar wood
production is decreasing from year to year, this aquilaria sp tree is being
introduced into plantation in the Southeast Asian countries. From 2000 to the present
day, the fields of agar wood are growing, the trees that are aimed at improving
the status of an entrepreneur towards the status of a millionaire or a
millionaire tree, is this dream sure to be owned and where is the truth about
planting this tree will become a millionaire ?. I leave this question for you
to think, for me the question is not entirely acceptable in my own mind, though
I am among the technologists in the field of technology.
I do not want to dispute between natural agar wood and agar wood
cultivated, but it is an important issue to debate or to be presented in
general, among the main differences in its characteristics between the two, the
quality comparison, the smell comparison, the comparison of the market value
and the process of its formation. If an entrepreneur expects the formation of
agar wood to occur naturally on a plantation tree, it is a hopeless dream or
dreams that can be said to be an unreasonable effort. It is possible that you
fully understand that this tree forms agar wood after it is attacked by the
disease, the formation will be through anti-illness response.
Cultivating is an important technique performed on this aquilaria sp
tree, not neutral amongst these species and the formation also depends on the
suitability of the fluid compatibility and inoculation techniques performed on
this tree. Various techniques are practiced by these operators, the techniques
practiced in accordance with their respective logic assumptions and which
inevitably identify the compatibility of their invention's liquid compatibility
and how the techniques are capable of forming. Not all the techniques performed
on the aquilaria sp tree succeed in forming, sometimes the formation occurs
around the puncture holes, and the formation of 1 to 2 feet long is decayed in
the center of the stem.
In order to identify the formation of production, a special study must
be carried out on various species of aquilaria sp trees and of course dozens of
these trees are to be sacrificed as a subject. If we want to expect such
research information to be obtained from related bodies, it means that our
trees will not be inoculated forever. All information, research findings, and
detailed data collected by the relevant bodies are obtained from the
entrepreneurship of the agar wood entrepreneurs. The expert of the study of the
formation of the formation, finding the formula of the fluid trigger, the
result of this maturity and the data of the study, is practically the owner's
For the production of cultivated agar wood, it is not a simple matter
and not 100% of successful entrepreneurs through the first, second and
subsequent trials. Various techniques have been used in accordance with their
assumptions, with the achievement of the results of these techniques arguably
the percentage of their formation there is no best, but it is the courage to go
to the physics and want to work even if his decision fails. The main factor of
success and failure is not due to inoculation techniques, because the trees
occur through anti-microbial and pathology from the absorption of injected
liquid bacteria through the drill hole resulting in the tree being attacked by
the disease.
Every time I get a new note and before this agar wood blog, I often relate
the role of this trigger fluid and how the role of a compatible inoculation
technique. Inoculation technology is not new to the cultural agar wood, it has
been introduced to fundamentally be developed for the earth, environment, human
and animal sector repairs and this study is also carried out on plants
including Aquilaria's sp purpose to produce the formation of agar wood. This
approach is quite similar, the goal is quite different, the basic inoculation
method is the use of bacterial reproduction, in the natural sector wants worm
breeding for soil fertility, restoring chemical waste, tree fertility and human
health for smallpox injections.
Inoculation of agar wood tree or called also agar wood cultivated, plays
the role of fluid triggers its main purpose as striker in the stem after being
injected. While the resin in the Aquilaria sp tree is a reinforcing fort or
blocking the fluid absorber, the resin is also capable of removing the
chemicals and removing the sticky odor contained in the bacterial fluid
triggers. Once the infection occurs, as the precise answer, the tree begins to
produce high resins in volatile organic compounds that help in the eradication
or inflammation of the infection, this process is called tyiosis.
We can imagine the actual amount of global wild agar wood production and
annual international trade is 90% of artificial agar wood or cultivated agar
wood. This cultured agar wood difference results in the outcome of varying
quality of agar wood, from traditional ways such as cutting, burning, drilling
and truma, it is arguable that injection fluid injection is defined as human
inoculation. The quality of agar wood under the inoculation technology, solid
and stable form of agar wood, no color does not turn faded, no outflow stream,
the trigger does not contain harmful and non-toxic substances.
Cultivating agar wood from fifty years ago has been adopted proactively
by adopting the injection of liquid fluid, it is quite effective to change the
dark color, attractive appearance and smooth appearance. Not all of these
experiments produce quality performance, agar wood does not have the smell of
smell, the smell of choking when burned and the most obvious weakness of the
color becomes faded when stored for a long time. However, these inoculations are
similar in practice by companies, there is a difference in the content of the
substance and the elements of the applied fluid.
From the discovery of this technology, the production of agar wood is of
high quality, compact without any geographical limitation, the whole of the
stems, including branches and twigs, result in the formation of high quality of
agar wood. Timing also plays an important role in classifying high grade agar wood
and has its own class comparable to wild agar wood. Compact incense, sweet smelling,
no faded color, permanent odor flow, old stench odor, strong smoke penetration
into the air and high quality and not the difference in quality between wild wood
agar wood cultivated. Thank you.